Parenthood is a journey. Not an easy one.
Being a parent is hard.
Being a working parent is harder.
Being a working parent who shares custody of her child is even harder.
Being a working parent who shares custody of her special needs child is hardest.
Luke is thriving. He's had a fantastic summer, his speech has made some great strides this summer, he's interested in playing with other children - all good things.
There are still meltdowns. There are still negotiations. There are still times I'm wondering, "Am I even doing this right?"
But I must say, I now know my Little Bear better than I did a few years ago. I gave up many battles. Why? Because it just ain't worth it. Why argue with Luke over having to fix things that are awry in the supermarket? Is it bothering anyone? No. Why argue with Luke over being cranky when 10 minutes in his room on his own, he has calmed himself down, and realizes now we can have fun/read together/have dinner?
I didn't get to this place easily. Sometimes I still have to remind myself, "It doesn't matter that he's tapping every roadside sign while we walk" or "It's not hurting a darn soul that he's plucking each dandelion".
He's still learning to navigate his world and I'm still learning to navigate overseeing his world.
Here's a great blog post that says this so much more succinctly thank I do:
I try to be like James' mom. I really do. Some days it's easier than others.
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